Sunday, February 10, 2008

WSJ: Nine Cities, Nine Programs to Cut Energy

The Wall Street Journal is running a series of articles on how nine cities are cutting energy usage with novel programs. It's going to be an interesting read. Come to think of it, is Honolulu thinking of buying LED's to replace standard lights in streetlights? Should this be on their agenda? Here's the intro.

Ann Arbor, Mich., and Beijing, China, have precious little in common. But the modest college town and sprawling national capital do share one trait: They're part of a world-wide movement by cities to rein in their runaway energy use. Ann Arbor is replacing the bulbs in its street lamps with light-emitting diodes that use much less power. Beijing is closing or relocating cement kilns, coal mines and chemical plants dating back to the era of Chairman Mao.

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